Source code for virtue.runner

Runners execute loaded tests.
import unittest
import warnings

import attr

from virtue.locators import ObjectLocator
from virtue.reporters import Counter

[docs]def run(tests=(), reporter=None, stop_after=None): """ Run the tests that are loaded by each of the strings provided. Arguments: tests ( the collection of tests (specified as `str` s) to run reporter (twisted.trial.itrial.IReporter): a reporter to use for the run. If unprovided, the default is to return a `virtue.reporters.Counter` (which produces no output). stop_after (int): a number of non-successful tests to allow before stopping the run. """ if reporter is None: reporter = Counter() if stop_after is not None: reporter = _StopAfterWrapper(reporter=reporter, limit=stop_after) locator = ObjectLocator() cases = ( case for test in tests for loader in locator.locate_by_name(name=test) for case in loader.load() ) suite = unittest.TestSuite(cases) getattr(reporter, "startTestRun", lambda: None)() with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("error") getattr(reporter, "stopTestRun", lambda: None)() return reporter
@attr.s(eq=False) class _StopAfterWrapper: """ Wrap a reporter to stop after a specified number of non-successes. """ _limit = attr.ib() _reporter = attr.ib() _seen = attr.ib(default=0) def __eq__(self, other): return self._reporter == other def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._reporter, attr) def addError(self, *args, **kwargs): self._see_nonsuccess() self._reporter.addError(*args, **kwargs) def addFailure(self, *args, **kwargs): self._see_nonsuccess() self._reporter.addFailure(*args, **kwargs) def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, *args, **kwargs): self._see_nonsuccess() self._reporter.addUnexpectedSuccess(*args, **kwargs) def _see_nonsuccess(self): self._seen += 1 if self._seen == self._limit: self.shouldStop = True